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for Collaborative Innovation -- Leadership -- Entrepreneurship

Building a Business World You Can Trust

Please Note: This is a Temporary Website while we develop our Business Plan and High Quality Website

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The information on this site is provided during our early stage planning and development process for our partners, advisors, and
 affiliates to aid in a rapid evolution of our thinking. All information provided here is subject to change during the planning process.

The Power of Collaboration -- where we fit best with you

First, to be clear: Collaboration is not the universal solution for every business problem. However, if your business is faced with the following circumstances, then collaboration is the right approach:

  • High Risk of Failure or High Consequences for Failure
  • Fast Moving, Rapidly Changing Environment requires Adaptation
  • High Levels of Complexity or Many Interacting Organizations
  • Unclear or Ambiguous Factors may Intercede in the Future
  • Greater Teamwork and Trust will quell an anxiety-ridden workforce
  • Competition is intense and getting stronger

If you, as a leader, are faced any of these situations or conditions, then our approach is what you need.

If you are experiencing......

  • Business environment that is Static or Stable
  • People are Satisfied with Low Job Turnover
  • Daily Routines produce excellent results
  • Little Change or Ambiguity is experienced or expected
  • Profitability is Very High

.......then you will not find your organization will benefit from our insights or strategies. We suggest you move on, for you live in a simple world and we would not want to complicate it at all.

The Symptoms & Problems We Address

If you are experiencing these symptoms or problems, the Collaborative Approach is going to produce the most impactful results:

Have You Ever Thought ….

  • I just don’t trust that person.
  • He doesn’t have the “Collaboration Gene.”
  • I just can’t seem to get my own organization on the same page!
  • My CXO just doesn’t get it!
      (teamwork, collaboration & alliances)
  • We worked so well together until the new CXO came on board, then everything went to Hell!
  • You can’t rely on their word,
      I have to get everything in writing!
  • There’s just not enough teamwork around here
  • Our best people seem to be hunkered down in silos
  • Too much of my time is spent on legalese, risk protection, and ministrivia
  • We just don’t have enough teamwork
  • Every decision has become a stirring pot for turmoil
  • Job Turnover is driving us crazy

Uncertainty & Ambiguity
Paradoxical Complexity
Continual Reorganization
Continuous Change
Conflicting Goals
Unclear Direction
Fuzzy Mission Statements
Mixed Management Messages
Misaligned Rewards
Mixed Leadership Styles
Cross-Functional Cross-fire
Insufficient Collaboration
Silo Mentality
Anxiety & Stress

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1 (239) 537-6441  or  1-(401) 640-1166 (cell)

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