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for Collaborative Innovation -- Leadership -- Entrepreneurship

Building a Business World You Can Trust

Please Note: This is a Temporary Website while we develop our Business Plan and High Quality Website

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The information on this site is provided during our early stage planning and development process for our partners, advisors, and
 affiliates to aid in a rapid evolution of our thinking. All information provided here is subject to change during the planning process.

What we Do -- Innovation, Alliances, Negotiations, Trust Building, Strategy


Collaborative Construction box - small
This is an industry-specific initiative design-ed to solve three specific problems:
 - 1) How to ensure projects come in on-time,
on-budget, profitably
 - 2) How to increase productivity in an indust-ry that has been stag-nant
- 3) How to improve the
quality, retention, and  skill sets of incoming personnel
This initiative relies heavily on collaborative approaches at every  stage of project evolution
Rodin Cathedral - blue Circled
Empty Box with Shadow What We Do -- Strategic Alliances, Collaborative Innovation, Trust Building, Strategic Positioning


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Senior executives all acknowledge the inherent value of innovation. However, many innovation efforts fail to produce solid results. The reason is that today innovation is fundamentally a "collaborative" process that must engage multiple functions across many boundaries. Unless there is a foundation of trust, and people cherish the differentials in thinking of the innovators, the process will bog down and produce marginal results at best.

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There is no more important function in an organization than leadership. It trumps strategy, finanacial management, and oper-ational effectiveness. Leadership is, at its root, the means of bringing out the highest performance in people and teams.  Collaborative Leaders learn that hierarchical leadership has limitations, and adversarial leadership is not sustainable. From senior leadership to middle manage-ment, to project management, collabor-ative leaders understand the power of vision, strategy, competitiveness, teamwork, trust, and precision execution.

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Entrepreneurship is not a term that just applies to early stage companies. It refers to a state of mind of agility, imagination, inspiration, and focus on emerging opportunity.  Being collaborative means both operationally aimed at teamwork and cross-functional coordination, while being strategically collaborative in creating alliances with suppliers, customers, and even competitors.


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Supply Chain Management is one area where some of the greatest gains can be made with the least amount of investment. Most supply chains suffer from being:
 - too tactical and too transactional
 - strategically myopic
 - seen as cost centers not value
      creators and generators of
      competitive advantage
For companies where 40% or more of corporate  expenses come from supply chain, the transformation to a strategic, high trust, innovation engine can have enormous impact on profits.

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Historically issues like "trust" and "culture" have been considered "soft," and discounted as less manageable because they could not be effectively measured, diagnosed, prescribed and predicted. This has all changed now that we have powerful systems "architectures" that  turn once "soft" issues into "firm" frameworks that can accurately measure and correlate leadership actions into financial performance. Our "Trust's Impact on Profits" is a game -changer. It’s something every CFO should learn, but it’s not taught in Business Schools.

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Negotiations are all-too-often conducted in an adversarial manner, much to the detriment of all parties. Even "win-win" approaches suffer from four fundamental deficiencies:
 - Lack of Trust Building Mechanisms
 - No Means of  transforming differences
       into innovation
 - In long term relationships, lack of
      strategic alignment
 - Increased Risk resulting from adversarial
      manipulation & risk shedding
These deficiencies have been corrected in our Collaborative Negotiations and Collaborative Contracting models.



Collaborative Health Care box - small
The delivery of Health Care is typically dysfunc-tional, plagued with fragmentation and very high degrees of non-value added work. The level of collaboration both internally and between core elements of the deliv-ery and support system is plagued with Adver-sarial & Transactional
Architecture of Synergy box - small

For years, business leaders have sought to create "synergy" in their companies -- in their internal teams, in their alliances, and  in their acquisitions. Despite the desire, synergy has been elusive. Silos destroy cross-functional integration, acquisitions suffer 70% failure rates, and many initiatives such as Lean Management fail to achieve their intended results 90% of the time.
We have developed an entire "architecture" of strategies, structures, mindsets, methods, and diagnostics to produce synergy consistently.

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While leaders have always known the importance of trust in business relation-ships, our team decided to tackle the seemingly "soft" aspects of "trust" and "culture" with rigour and discipline. We have now "cracked the trust code" to the level of the neuro-science of the brain, established best practices and operating principles to ensure trust is created, sustained, and can be rebuilt if destroyed, developed diagnostic assessments to determine levels of trust, correlated trust directly to economic performance, and developed a system called "Trust's Impact on Profits" that enables most companies to increase profits  50% or more.

Collaborative Capitalism box - small

Capitalism has emerged in three
distinct patterns:
 - Adversarial (win-lose),
 - Transactional (fair exchange),
 - Collaborative (value creation).
Of these three, our economic analysis shows the Collaborative Capitalism has at least a 25-30% sustainable competitive advantage over its rival forms. We see Collaborative Capitalism as the future of economic evolution.

The Institute is committed to building the frameworks, strategies, methodologies, and metrics for this powerful future of business. 


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Along side having a powerful strategic vision for creating competitive advantage, leaders must create high-trust, high performance teams that can deliver efficiently, fluidly, and create innovations that adapt to rapidly changing environ-ments. Selection, training, and leading high perform-ance teams is a must in today's fast moving world.

Organizational Transformation box - small

Being able to transform organiza-tions into high performance, high innovation  powerhouse is essential in today's highly competitive business world. However, 90% of all organiza-tional transformation efforts fail, as do 70% of all acquisitions.

By understanding the human and strategic dynamics we believe we can reverse these percentages and produce significant jumps in productivity .

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Our architectures in Strategic Alliances have been acknow-ledged worldwide for their impact on creating new revenues as well as generating innovation. Using the right practices, methods, tools, and mindsets can consistently produce far greater levels of success.

Alliances are also the foundation of the Strategic Supply Chain initiative.

Designing Breakthrough box - small

Breakthroughs can be designed and orchestrated. The methodology was first developed by the Greeks, then lost. Through empirical re-search and reverse engin-eering of ancient and current breakthrough design processes (such as Edison and high tech systems), we have discerned a method to activate breakthrough innovation in high trust teams.

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Over again, companies that “create value” out-perform companies that “transact” (exchange) value. And companies that take an “end to end” view of value creation -- from several layers back in the supply chain, and several layers forward in the customer chain, are more likely to flow innova-tion and add value -- creating real competitive advantage.

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1 (239) 537-6441  or  1-(401) 640-1166 (cell)

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