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Building a Business World You Can Trust

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(other Biographies to follow soon)

ROBERT PORTER LYNCH - Founder, Thought Leader, & Futurist

Robert is a passionate champion for unlocking the power of collaboration: alliances, high performance teamwork, innovation, and trust. He has been on a quest to answer three fundamental questions at the core of mankind's future on this planet:

First: How can people of greatly different backgrounds and beliefs come together without destroying each other?  More importantly, could they actually work together synergistically to create and innovate?

  • What should a Leader do to build an organization where trust, teamwork and innovation coalesce to produce an exceptional level of synergy and extraordinary results?

Second: Is there a transcendent "design architecture" to transform whole organizations, value networks, or even industries that can be applied across a multitude of cultures and boundaries with highly successful & predictable results? 

  • How much competitive advantage could be created by such a system? Would the advantage be significant enough to alter the future of capitalism itself? 

Third: Could we reliably diagnose key causative factors, predict outcomes, and prescribe corrective actions to produce extraordinary results consistently?

  • Could this system be taught to leaders in a simple, straightforward program?

The answers to Robert’s lifelong quest has resulted in a holistic “Architecture of Collaboration” which holds the promise of a potentially massive shift in the success rate single and multi-organizational ventures and even impact thinking about capitalism itself. It thoroughly integrates the science, strategy, spirituality, psychology and sociology underpinning the factors necessary to produce synergy.

The Quest:  For the last thirty years, Robert has been seeking best practices and design architectures that consistently produce extraordinary performance in individuals, teams, alliances, and companies. He searches for the underlying causes of extraordinary performance and innovation across many fields, including history and science.

  • The Result: Today, using his organizational design architectures, thousands of companies around the world are able to double and triple the success rate of their alliances and have a profound impact on rates of innovation, and build extraordinary levels of trust. Leaders are better able to create a future filled with clear-cut choices, deep understanding of the nature of human behavior, and have the ability to transform even dysfunctional relationships. Robert’s most recent breakthrough – Trust’s Impact on Profit© (TIP) enables companies to predict and significantly increase the financial impact of trust.
  • Capability Building: These breakthroughs are easily understood and put into practice by leaders, transforming their organizations in a powerful way, producing extraordinary results, while giving people who work these organizations deeper meaning and purpose.
  • Consulting: In his consulting practice, Mr. Lynch places a strong emphasis on concrete, measurable results. He’s worked with senior leaders throughout the globe in a wide variety industries ranging from aerospace, automotive, energy, construction, financial services, high tech, medical, and petro-chemicals. He has been a consultant to a number of Canadian Provincial and Federal Ministries.  
  • Executive Development: Robert has taught nearly 40,000 top executives on three continents, providing the concepts, best practices, tools, and skills that produce quality results quickly.
  • Public Speaking: Robert conducts workshops on alliances, innovation, and trust, and often speaks before business associations, has appeared on television and radio, webinars, and syndicated tape.
  • Author: Robert has written numerous books, including Business Alliances: The Hidden Competitive Weapon, ) and Alliance Best Practices . His three-volume Trusted to Lead series (to be published later this year) includes: 1)  Executive’s Guide to the Financial & Innovative Power of Trust, 2) Building a High Performance Team You Can Trust, and 3) Economics of Trust
  • Education: He holds degrees from Harvard University and Brown University. He is an Executive Development faculty member of the Universities of Albert, British Columbia, and San Diego.
  • Military: U.S. Navy, 1970-74, Lieutenant, Bronze Service Star, Combat Duty in Viet Nam,
  • Personal: Listed in Who's Who: Global Leaders, America’s Top Thought Leaders in Trust in America. He is the Founding Chairman of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals. Robert resides in Naples, Florida.

    As a non-academic thought leader, I have not been required to “publish or perish.” Thus every one of my articles and books was written and published simply because I believed there was something worthwhile for people to know. My books have been placed in the hands of over 30,000 people since I began writing in 1987.

    • Books Written by Robert Porter Lynch
      • Practical Guide to Joint Ventures and Corporate Alliances, John Wiley, 1987 (published in English, Spanish, Hungarian, & Russian)
      • Business Alliances, The Hidden Competitive Weapon, John Wiley, 1993
      • Strategic Alliance Best Practice Guidebook, Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals, First Edition 1994, Second Edition 2003, Third Edition 2013
      • How to Engage in a Strategic Sourcing Relationship, A Practitioner’s Guide, for Accenture Consulting Group, 1998
      • Cooperative Entrepreneurship, A New Business Model for the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs,(with Todd Welch) Charter Partners, 2009
    • Books Scheduled for Publication by Robert Porter Lynch
      • Alliance Based Construction & Aligned Construction Enterprise,
          • Vol. 1: Introduction & Basics;
          • Vol. 2: Best Practices User’s Guide, for Productivity Alberta, 2015 (in final editing)
      • · Trusted to Lead Series (currently in interim draft stage) for publication in late 2015
        Three Volume Set:
          • Vol. 1: Future Face of Capitalism
          • Vol. 2: Senior Executive’s Guide to the Economic & Innovative Power of Trust
          • Vol. 3: Building a Team You Can Trust
      • · Cracking the Synergy Source Code (currently in final editing prior to publication) 2015
        Six Volume Set:
          • Volume ONE Be the Champion of Your Life, Transform Your Destiny!
          • Volume TWO Dynamic Differential Energy, Revolutionary Greek Discoveries
            of Synergy
          • Volume THREE Dancing with the Holy Spirit, The Spiritual Quest for Synergy
          • Volume FOUR Building a World You Can Trust, Beyond Safety & Security
          • Volume FIVE History’s Hidden Lessons, Learning from the Good, Bad, & Ugly
          • Volume SIX Destiny’s Dream, Lifting Ourselves to a World that Works
    • Chapters written by Robert Porter Lynch in other books
      • Joint Ventures: A General Business Perspective, in Joint Ventures, Business Strategies for Accountants, Wiley, 1998
      • How to Foster Champions, in Leader of the Future Series, Leading Beyond the Walls, How High-Performance Organizations Collaborate for Shared Success, Drucker Foundation, 1999
      • Four Critical Skills for Managing High Performance Alliances, in The Allianced Enterprise, Global Strategies for Corporate Collaboration, Imperial College Press, 2001
      • Implementing Value Network Management, in Supply Management, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010
      • Collaborative Innovation: The Essential Foundation of Scientific Discovery, in Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research, Wiley, 2011
      • Trust, the Great Economic Game Changer, in TRUST, Inc. Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset, Next Decade, 2013
    • Magazine Articles written by Robert Porter Lynch
      • Articles have appeared in the following publications:
        • American College of Physicians Executive Magazine
        • Chief Executive Magazine
        • Employee Ownership
        • European Business Review
        • Export Today
        • High Tech Connections
        • Inside Supply Management
        • International Purchasing & Supply Association
        • Journal of Business Strategy
        • Management Review
        • Purchasing Manager Magazine
        • Real Estate Professionals Magazine
        • Strategic Alliance Professionals Magazine
        • World Trade
      • Recent White Papers
        • Synergy & Synchronicity for University of British Columbia, 2005
        • The Business Case for Trust for Trust Across America, Trust Around the World, 2014
        • Collaborative Construction & the Future of Mega Projects with George Jergeas 2014

Educational Background & Teaching Experience

  • During my career I have instructed over 35,000 senior executives in Strategic Alliances, Collaborative Innovation, and Trust Architecture
    • 1969 Bachelors Degree in International Relations, Brown University
    • 1974 Taught at Naval War College in Human Relations in Leadership
    • 1975 Masters Degree in Organizational Behavior, Harvard University
    • 1989-1999 Instructor, American Management Association – Strategic Alliances
    • 1991-1998 Instructor, Canadian Management Centre – Strategic Alliances
    • 1994 Instructor, International Institute of Learning – Strategic Alliances
    • 1995 Instructor, American College of Physicians Executives – Strategic Alliances
    • 1999-2014 Visiting Lecturer, University of San Diego – Strategic Innovation Alliances
    • 2003-2015 Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta – Strategic Relationships & Trust
    • 2004-2015 Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia – Strategic Alliances
    • 2009-20112 Visting Thought Leader, Daymon Corporation 2014 Guest Lecturer, Ringling College



Economic Development: While a community revitalization specialist in the 1970's, he designed and implemented private-public partnerships for urban commercial and neighborhood revitalization programs resulting in millions of dollars in new business investments and hundreds of historic restorations of low income neighborhood homes in declining inner cities. Robert also established joint labor-management committees to improve labor productivity and cooperation in both the private and public sectors. When interest rates were 18-20% in 1981, Robert became a Development Banker, founding a Certified Development Company, which resulted in over $20 million in small business loans in the first 18 months, as well as a state program to use $10 million in public sector pension funds to underwrite guaranteed small business loans. Several years later he transformed an old factory into an innovative technology business "incubator" occupied by 65 growing companies. As an entrepreneur, Robert has initiated 6 start-up companies, owned and operated a family business of historic inns, and developed, owned, and operated several commercial real estate projects including apartments, offices, marina, and retail

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